Friday 20 April 2012

The Time Patrol Timeline

The Oligocene. The Patrol Academy exists for half a million years in the American West, then is carefully demolished. Babylonian recruits cannot understand time travel and have to be given a battle-of-the-gods routine. An ancient Roman does not understand that a machine cannot be treated like a horse.
Stephen and Helen Tamberly meet at the Academy. Everard meets Whitcomb and Elizabeth Gray. Wanda Tamberly meets Tu Sequeira, from Mars in the Solar Commonwealth, who will monitor early spacefaring.
The Academy is the venue for an emergency conference to deal with the Punic timeline.
31,275,389 BC. Wanda Tamberly, training at the Academy, is interviewed by Guion who is investigating the possibility of temporal changes not caused by time travellers.
Miocene-Pliocene transition. A Patrolwoman from the First Matriarchy makes a full-sensory record of the Atlantic flowing into the Mediterranean. Tom Nomura rescues and marries her.
The Pleistocene. A Patrol lodge in the Pyrenees employs Cro-Magnon guides.
Half an hour after departing for 1960, Unattached Agents Everard and Van Sarawak return to the lodge from a timeline where Carthage won the Second Punic War.
18,244 BC. The Pleistocene lodge is the venue for emergency conferences to deal with two divergent timelines. Wanda Tamberly and Keith Denison return from the European theocracy of 1989alpha AD.
15,926 BC. A Patrol ranch in pre-human North America.
15,000 BC-900 AD. Stephen and Helen Tamberly holiday in archaic Japan.
13,212 BC. The Paleo-Indians cross Beringia, observed by Patrol Specialists Ralph Corwin and Wanda Tamberly.
2937-2930 BC. Patrolman Stephen Tamberly, marooned in South America by Luis Castelar, duplicates contemporaneous Japanese pottery.
2930 BC. Guillem Cisneros of the Universarium of Halla solves the archaeological mystery of the Valdivia ware and rescues Tamberly.
1765 BC. A Patrol base in a vault under the Babylon of Hammurabi. Disguised and guided, Denison and Mikelian tour the city after tracking Indo-European migrations.
c.1550-1292 BC. Unattached Patrol Agent Komozino investigates the disappearance of an expedition from her home millennium that was seeking cultural inspiration in the Egyptian Eighteenth Dynasty. Patrol bases in 1137 AD contact her about their crisis.
c.1300 BC. Everard and Cynthia Cunningham holiday in pre-human Hawaii.
c.1040-597 BC. Epsilon Korten from twenty-ninth century New Edom on Mars directs Jerusalem Base which is responsible for temporal traffic in Hebrew lands from the birth of David to the fall of Judah.
950 BC. Exaltationist time criminals threaten to destroy Tyre. Zakarbaal (Chaim Zorach) and his wife are Patrol agents in Tyre. Everard recruits Pummairam, who expects to battle wizards in a strange realm, and captures Varagan but the latter's clone mate, Raor, remains at large.
500's BC. Keith Denison, Patrol Specialist in East Indo-European Proto-History, traces the migration of Aryan clans.
578 BC. Everard and Denison prevent the murder of the infant Cyrus, thus also preventing Denison's sixteen years as a surrogate Cyrus.
542 BC. (Everard, investigating the disappearance of Keith Denison, receives hospitality from Croesus, then learns that Cyrus the Great is Keith Denison.)
218 BC. Neldorian time criminals intervene, and the Patrol counter-intervenes, in the Battle of Ticinus.
213 BC. Plautus' Asinaria is first performed. The date and the exact text do not agree with what later scholars recorded. Guion thinks that this indicates instability in that section of history.
209 BC. Patrolman Benegal Dass has spent and will spend widely separated decades watching the growth and death of a city now threatened by Exaltationists. However, Everard captures the remaining Exaltationists, including Raor.
c.5 BC - 30 AD. The Patrol must know what happened but we are not told. However, Carl later reflects that he cannot in honesty argue either for heathenism or for Christ. On the other hand, it is possible that Koch is a sincere Catholic.
22-37 AD. Patrol Specialist Janne Floris lives for fifteen years with the Frisii, marries and bears two children.
43 AD. Patrol intervention accidentally initiates a Goddess movement that, without further Patrol intervention, would prevent Northern Europeans from converting to Christianity.
Everard visits Carl and Laurie Farness at the Patrol's Polynesian resort.
49 AD. Patrol ethnographer Jens Ulstrup has spent twelve years as Domar among the Langobardi.
70-95 AD. After Everardus the Goth has initiated peace negotiations between Civilis and Cerialis, Janne Floris, appearing as the goddess, helps the pagan prophetess Veleda to re-conceive her deity as peaceful.
Early 100's AD. Time travelling sociologists studying Rome find a copy of Tacitus' Histories that differs from the standard version.
300-372 AD. Carl visits four generations of his Gothic descendants.
372 AD. Wodan appears and betrays his followers as described in the Volsungasaga.
458-461 AD. Stane from 2987 tries to re-organise post-Roman Britain. Killed by unknowns, he is buried with his belongings in a barrow.
900's. Jean-Louis Broussard from the 24th century is a Patrol observer in France.
985 or 986 AD. Everard accompanies Bjarni Herjulfsson to Vinland.
The Middle Ages. Stalemate in church-state conflict prevents either theocracy or autocracy, allowing the growth of freedom and science.
1137 AD. Patrol milieu headquarters for the Holy Roman Empire are in Mainz. The director is Otto Koch whose "servant"/assistant is Karel Novak.
1137AD (and 1137alpha AD). Space-time-energy fluctuates as Guion feared. (Events occurring in divergent timelines would have to be listed separately. Also, although they were visited, very little is known about the divergent timelines.)
(1137alpha AD.) (King Roger of Sicily dies in battle. Emil Volstrup, Patrolman in Palermo, knows that Roger should live for nearly twenty years...)
1140 AD. The Patrol base in Palermo is expanded from a one-man operation when Norman Sicily gains importance.
1146 AD. The Patrol kills a knight who interacts with so many important figures that small changes in his career have major effects on medieval politics.
c.1160/65-1225 AD. Ma Yuan, Chinese painter. The exact objects depicted on one of his scrolls are another of Guion's instabilities.
1196 AD. Stefan Nemanya, Grand Zhupan of Serbia, abdicates. Another of Guion's instabilities.
1198 AD. Patrol milieu headquarters move from Mainz to Rome.
1200's AD. Amerindian Patrol Specialist John Sandoval traces Native American history, including Athabascan migrations.
1280 AD. Mongol expedition to North America.
1287-1307 AD. Boniface Reynaud establishes himself as Reinault Bodel, wool dealer in Harfleur, chief seaport of Northern France, where he directs Patrol operations headquarters. Timecycles arrive in a locked dockside shed.
1295-1307 AD. Patrolman Hugh Marlow rises in the Knights Templar.
1307 AD. The Templars are suppressed but their fleet escapes.
1524 AD. Exaltationists try to prevent the civil war that made it easy for Pizarro to conquer the Incas.
1533 AD. Exaltationists try to steal Atahualpa's ransom but instead kidnap Conquistador Luis Castelar and Patrolman Stephen Tamberly.
1536 AD. Time vehicles are glimpsed above the siege of Cuzco.
1589-1613 AD. Everard and Cynthia Cunningham go to the theatre in London.
1610 AD. At Machu Picchu, Castelar and Tamberly escape from Exaltationists on a timecycle. The Patrol attacks the Exaltationists.
1638-1715 AD. Reign of Louis XIV. An agent recruited from this period is assigned to the same milieu. The Patrol has few recruits from before the First Industrial Revolution.
1731 AD. On Good Friday, a time traveller records Bach's St Mark's Passion in Leipzig Cathedral.
1800's. Everard and Cynthia Cunningham waltz in Vienna.
1826 AD. Simon Bolivar receives bad advice - from an Exaltationist. Everard's first meeting with the Exaltationist leader Merau Varagan who escapes in a causal loop.
1843 AD. Everard and the Farnesses see Lola Montez in Paris.
1850-2000 AD. The period covered by Patrol headquarters 1890-1910 with smaller offices in other decades.
1850 AD. Charles Whitcomb, formerly of the RAF and the Time Patrol, and his wife Mary settle down in Victorian England.
1856 AD. Helen Tamberly born in Cambridge.
1858 AD. At the Friedrick Wilhelm University in Berlin, Carl, reporting to Patrol agent Professor Herbert Ganz, displays a 3D recording of his meeting with Ulfilas, the Arian Apostle to the Goths.
1864 AD. Emil Volstrup born in Copenhagen.
1873 AD. Helen Tamberly orphaned, studies classics, later recruited by the Patrol.
1875 AD. Cowboy Jack Hall recruited by the Patrol.
1880's AD. Because Helen Tamberly would not like Stephen's birthtime, they live on York Place (crossing Baker St) in Victorian London, Stephen as an American employee of Dalhousie and Roberts. Helen studies the Ionic colonies in the seventh and sixth centuries BC, interpreting reports from Patrol observers. Next, they might live as Spanish colonials while he directs other researchers for several decades.
1885 AD. Everard, investigating the disappearance of Stephen Tamberly in 1533, visits Dalhousie and Roberts for a second time.
1890's AD. Everard knows a New York saloon that sets out a magnificent free lunch.
1890-1910 AD. Patrol milieu headquarters in London, Moscow and Peiping.
1891 AD. Otto Koch born in Germany.
1894 AD. Time shuttle fuel chest discovered in an ancient British barrow.
Dalhousie and Roberts, Importers (the Patrol's London base) must prevent assassination of Queen Victoria. Mainwethering of the Patrol would like to engage a private inquiry agent but the only worthwhile one is too clever and might detect time travel.
1895 AD. Ralph Corwin born.
1908 AD. Agop Mikelian recruited by the Patrol after the massacre at Van.
1910 AD. Will Rogers teaches Everard lassoing.
1912 AD. The Irish-American Altamont penetrates a German spy ring but might also uncover the Patrol military studies group and must be diverted.
1914 AD. Otto Koch, studying medieval history, is called into the German army.
1917 AD. German steals time machine and goes to 1894 to murder Queen Victoria.
1918 or 1919 AD. Otto Koch, adrift after the war, recruited by the Patrol.
1920's-1930's AD. Corwin studies American Indian anthropology before joining the Patrol.
1924 AD. Everard born in the US Midwest.
1925 AD. Wanda and Manse have dinner in Paris and a drink in the Deux Magots two tables away from two of Wanda's literary idols.
1927 AD. Keith Denison born.
1930's AD. After Carl is recruited to the Patrol, he and his wife opt to live in 1930's New York. Carl's visits to 300-372 are supervised by Everard from 1980.
1930 AD. John Sandoval born.
1936-1945 AD. Patrollers studying the earliest stages of spacefaring work their way into Peenemunde.
1936 AD. Stephen Tamberly born.
1941-1982 AD. Patrollers monitoring early spacefaring work their way into White Sands.
1942-1945 AD. Everard is a lieutenant in the US Army Engineers.
1943 AD. Everard knows a girl in Streatham who later marries someone else.
1944 AD. Everard defies the Patrol and the Danellians by helping Whitcomb who has gone to London in a recovered Ing time shuttle to prevent his fiancee, Mary Nelson, from being killed in an air raid. A Danellian intervenes and Everard is promoted to Unattached status in the Patrol.
1945-1954 AD. Everard, a mechanical engineer, has design and production experience in America, Sweden and Arabia before responding to a job ad for "Engineering Studies Co."
1947 AD. Tom Nomura born.
c.1950's-1960's. Everard and Cynthia Cunningham visit bars in "Tom Lehrer's New York."
1950's AD. John Sandoval fights in Korea, goes through college on the GI bill and joins the Patrol.
1950 AD. Denison completes his PhD in Anthropology after taking a collegiate boxing championship and crossing the Atlantic in a thirty-foot ketch. Drafted to Korea.
Karel Novak, on the run from the Czechoslovakian government, is hidden by an acquaintance who persuades him to take curious tests and recruits him to the Patrol.
A young black woman recruited in Jamaica will be part of the team that rescued Everard from Exaltationists at a temple outside Bactria, 209 BC.
Janne Floris born.
1952 AD. Everard visits Amsterdam.
Denison, discharged from the US Army, recruited to the Patrol.
1954-1990 AD. Everard maintains an apartment in New York for at least this long. It acquires Bronze Age spears and a helmet, also a polar bear rug given to Everard by Bjarni Herjulfsson. Cynthia Denison (nee Cunningham), John Sandoval and Guion visit the apartment.
1954 AD. Manson Everard recruited. Just back from training at the Academy, he reads about "...the singular contents of an ancient British barrow."
1955- AD. Patrollers studying early spacefaring work their way into Tyuratam.
1965 AD. Wanda Tamberly, Stephen's niece, is born.
Wanda Tamberly from 1990 visits Corwin in Berkeley.
1968 AD. Stephen Tamberly takes tests and finds that he has been recruited into the Patrol.
1970 AD. Following advice given by Shalten in 1987, Everard posing as a tourist reconnoitres the terrain in preparation for his mission to the Greek kingdom of Bactria in 209 BC.
1971 AD. Chaim Zorach, working as an archaeologist in Israel, meets his future wife, Yael.
1972 AD. Tom Nomura recruited to the Patrol in San Francisco. Physicist Elizabeth Gray recruited.
1975 AD. The Zorachs are recruited into the Patrol.
1980 AD. Carl Farness, who must play the role of Wodan, is recruited by the Patrol.
1980-'81 AD. Keith and Cynthia Denison start new identities in Paris.
1985 AD. Laying a trap for the Exaltationists, Shalten of the Patrol plants fake evidence about Bactria, then, later in his experience, removes the evidence so there are records of mutually inconsistent events in Afghanistan.
1986 AD. Everard re-visits Amsterdam on a Patrol case. Willem Ten Brink manages the export-import firm that fronts for the Patrol's Amsterdam office and is chief of Patrol operations in that corner of Europe.
May, 1987 AD. Everard rescues Wanda from Castelar and recruits her to the Patrol.
September, 1987 AD. Castelar kidnaps Wanda Tamberly from the Galapagos.
1998 AD. Everard lends his apartment to an operative who needs such a base.
1990 AD. A Danellian reveals the real meaning of the Patrol to Manse Everard and Wanda Tamberly. Manse and Wanda begin a holiday, interrupted by Manse's mission to 1307.
2000's. Mainwethering from Victorian London visits the twenty first century.
Hassan, an Iraqi recruited to the Patrol, will work at the ranch in 15,926 BC.
2100's. Andean Resurgence; Inca revival.
Andean Patrol agent Julio Vasquez born.
2200's. Insulsynth.
c.2207. Boniface Reynaud born.
2300's. Van Sarawak born in a pioneer society on Venus.
Birth of Jean-Louis Broussard, a Patrol observer in tenth century France.
2319. A hospital with artificial gravity on the Moon.
2800's. New Edom on Mars; Second Asteroid War.
2900's. Rozher Schtein (Stane) and Guillem Cisneros born.
Interplanetary wars; Venus attacks Earth; blast-ray guns; synthrope; trade with the Saturnian System.
2987. Disappearance of a trader from the Ing Empire and his time shuttle; Patrol notified.
post-2987. Interregnum; secret of synthrope lost; Ing Empire; trader leaves for 2987 to barter raw materials for synthrope.
3100's. Genetic engineering in the Saturnian System.
3700's. Coordinator Stanel V, the Great Experimenter; colonies reproducing past societies.
3890. Martian War; Guidance Corps on Earth; First Matriarchy soon.
9573. Dard Kelm, Patrol Academy tutor, born.
11511. The Morennian Triumph.
19352 AD, the 7841st year of the Morennian Triumph. The Chorite Heresiarchy breaks up. Commercial and genetic rivalry on a galactic scale. The Nine discover time travel. The Danellians appear and found the Patrol.
30,000's. Exaltationist princes, genetically engineered for adventure on the cosmic frontier, seize power, lose it and flee on stolen timecycles.
204,000's. Neldor; an age of time bandits.
Undated: Everard's viking Scandinavian mission.
Chrysopolis on Mars.
Venusian Renaissance.
Scientific Renaissance.
Three Technological Renaissances.
Patrol suppression of the Trazon matter transmuter during the third Technological Renaissance.
Three Matriarchies.
Solar Commonwealth.
The Cold Centuries; weather control systems.
The Universarium of Halla.
Home eras of Komozino, Guion and Shalten.
pre-1,000,000. Era of Oneness.
post-1,000,000's. Danellians, our evolutionary successors, the High Command of the Time Patrol.

Email address: paul

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