Saturday 9 August 2014


Christ was "a prophet and more than a prophet." Heidhen says that Edh is a spaewife:

"'...and more than that. The goddess came to her, and now she is Niaerdh's...'" (Time Patrol, p. 577).

In the German civilization of the Tacitus Two timeline, would Wael-Edh have become the Goddess incarnate to some while others doubted her existence?

We know her as a character interacting with others in Anderson's story but she would have become the main object of devotion and a major subject of discussion in an alternative history.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Hi, Paul!

I have my doubts that Veleda would have eventually been thought to BE the goddess she served. My thought was she was no more than a prophetess for Niaerdh. Like non Jewish prophets such as Zarathustra, Mohammed, or Joseph Smith.


Paul Shackley said...

Most likely.