Saturday 13 September 2014


Recently, I discussed Poul Anderson's novel, The Day Of Their Return, set on the colony planet, Aeneas, and therefore posted links to two earlier posts summarizing information about that fictitious planet. Next, I discussed the alien race, the Merseians, and therefore posted a link to an earlier post summarizing information about their home planet, Merseia.

Another element in Anderson's History of Technic Civilization is the flying race that originated on the extrasolar planet, Ythri. Some Ythrians studied on Aeneas, then explored another planet, Gray. Later, many Ythrians colonized Gray, renamed Avalon. Later still, an Avalonian Ythrian confronted a Merseian agent on Aeneas.

Thus, the Ythrians are a further unifying factor in the History. Some data about their home planet are listed here and a lot more information about their colony on Avalon is presented here.

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