Monday 9 February 2015


A Starkadian (see here) or Imhotepan Tigery should not look too much like a Terrestrial tiger. (Nor should a kzin.) On this cover, he looks like something else because he is disguised.

As Diana Crowfeather's surname suggests, her heritage is already one that many would regard as sufficiently exotic although she remembers little of it, having "...passed her life among Tigeries and Seafolk." (Flandry's Legacy, p. 214) Some Dakota people, after trying to revive their identity in North America, left Earth during the Breakup and formed the autonomous community of Dakotia (scroll down) on the planet Atheia. The Dakotian Maria Crowfeather, Diana's mother, came to Imhotep as a xenologist.

During the Allied Planets period, it will be said that Atheia has retained or regained most of the amenities of old Earth. Thus, here is a direct link from the twentieth century, and earlier, to about 4000 AD:

Dakota on Earth;
Dakotia on Atheia;
Dakotians on Imhotep;
Atheia in the Allied Planets.

Olga's Landing on Imhotep was only a scientific base until the Starkadian resettlement. The planet happened to have environments suitable for both Tigeries and vaz-Siravo.

The Game Of Empire "...does homage to Rudyard Kipling." (p. 192) Thus, reading Kim has got me back into rereading relevant passages of The Game Of Empire.

"'Here begins the Great Game.'"
-Rudyard Kipling, Kim (London, 1944), p. 209.

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