Sunday 5 April 2015

Easter Agenda

(Lancaster Priory Church. Some friends and acquaintances will be there today. I will meditate at home.)

Family and social activities.
Finish reading SM Stirling's The Sky People.
Finish interrupted rereading of Poul Anderson's Fire Time.
Order further NESFA collections and "Lords of Creation" installments.
(Have now finished the third Stieg Larsson novel. Recommended.)

Although the NESFA collections contain much familiar material, I nevertheless reread the first Gunnar Heim story in NESFA collections vol 2. This led to rereading The Star Fox, then Fire Time. Moral: do not dismiss collections containing familiar material. None of these works should be read just once or even twice.

The next post will probably be about the conclusion of The Sky People but this is not always predictable.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree with what you said about NOT scorning collections containing familiar material. Esp. since the NESFA Press editions of Poul Anderson's stories seem to be focusing on reprinting the earlier forms of works he later revised, either as continuing to be short stories or as parts of longer books.

Btw, is this Lancaster Priory Church Catholic or Anglican? "Priory" of course came from Catholic ecclesiastical usage.


Paul Shackley said...

Anglican. We also have a Catholic Cathedral. So we are in the Catholic Diocese of Lancaster but the Anglican Diocese of Blackburn.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Understood! I was wondering "where" Lancaster was on the ecclesiastical map. I'll probably look up the Catholic diocese of Lancaster.
