Friday 18 September 2015

Manse Everard And Wanda Tamberly III

Poul Anderson, The Shield Of Time (New York, 1991).

Dates in heavy type are chapter headings.

In 1987 A.D. (pp. 26-33), Everard explains time travel to Wanda.

In 1988 A.D. (pp. 95-101), he reassures her before she begins Time Patrol training.

In 1925 (p.180), they have dinner in Paris after her graduation and he sees her back to her parents' house in 1988.

In 1990 A.D. (pp. 176-186), she asks him for help with her Beringia assignment.

In 1990 A.D. (pp. 252-255), they meet after her disciplinary hearing.

In 18,244 B.C. I, (pp. 293-299), they finish their vacation at the Pleistocene lodge and agree to meet in "New York HQ, noon, Thursday the tenth of April, 1987..." (p. 297).
In 18,244 B.C., (pp. 358-368), they meet back at the lodge after Everard's mission to avert the alpha timeline.
In 1989beta (pp. 369-373), they explore the beta timeline with fellow Patrol agent, Karel Novak.
In 1137 A.D. (pp. 374-380), they discuss the beta timeline with fellow Patrol agent, Emil Volstrup.
In 1146 A.D. I (pp. 414-417), they discuss the personal causal nexus, Lorenzo de Conti, by radio.
In 1146 A.D. II (pp. 417-429), they take action to avert the beta timeline.
In 1990 A.D. (pp. 430-436), they meet after averting the beta timeline.

In San Francisco, Thursday, 8 March 1990 (Time Patrol, pp. 746-752), they are on vacation.

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