Thursday 31 August 2017


 SM Stirling, The Given Sacrifice (New York, 2014), Chapter Nineteen.

At last, after reading about wars, we get to read about peace and the Rangers move into Jack London's Beauty Ranch. See image.

In Stirling's Conquistador and Nantucket Trilogy, the colonists of an undeveloped North America must build everything that they need from scratch whereas his Emberversers, like the post-apocalypsts in other sf novels, are able to move into already existing buildings and to mine empty cities.

In Poul Anderson's The Winter Of The World, scavengers must dig down through deep snow in order to reach the frozen and preserved dead cities. Probably by now every alternative scenario has been imagined.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I prefer the situation we see in the Nantucket books--because at least a high energy civilization is still possible in that timeline. I don't think the long term possibilities will be good in the Emberverse world, precisely because the people there will not be able to build up a high technology society.
