Sunday 20 August 2017

The Dennitzan Crisis: Hans Molitor

See The Dennitzan Crisis: Dominic Hazeltine.

Emperor Hans, briefing Flandry, knows only that:

the Gospodar is resisting his defence organization;
Dennitzans are fomenting rebellion on Diomedes;
only one Dennitzan agent was captured;
there were problems with her hypnoprobing;
it seems that she was acting on secret official orders.

He does not know:

that the Dennitzan agent is the Gospodar's niece;
what became of her after her hypnoprobing;
that she was sold into slavery;
that Hazeltine informed Flandry of this;
that Flandry has bought her.

Flandry, suspecting something strange, keeps quiet and travels to Diomedes, taking Kossara with him.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I find myself rather like old Hans Molitor! He might have been a tough old SOB, but an able and well meaning SOB. I think it was a good point in his favor that Emperor Hans was a RELUCTANT usurper, consenting to seize the throne only after the Wang Dynasty had irretrievably collapsed soon after Josip's death. It also speaks well of Hans that he did not want to act too PRECIPITATELY as regards the Dennitzan problem. So, a trusted man like Flandry was given the task of finding out what was going on and ultimately sending back to Hans a report he could have CONFIDENCE in.
