Saturday 6 January 2018

Freedom And Determinism

Harari (see here) makes a scientifically grounded point that I accept. "Freedom" can mean only absence of constraint, not philosophical/theological "free will." Every decision is either caused or random, therefore not metaphysically "free."

Can fiction address such issues? Yes. In Poul Anderson's Harvest Of Stars, Anson Guthrie's enemies produce an abomination, an artificial intelligence that has Guthrie's memories and personality yet is loyal to them, not to him. If Guthrie were a unique, immaterial and immortal soul, then it would be impossible either to duplicate him or to control his responses. However, every human consciousness is generated by manipulable neuronic interactions that are a small part of the causal/quantum cosmos.

Like James Blish's Service agents in their deterministic universe, I am glad to be along for the ride.

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