Sunday 11 March 2018

The Captain Flandry Series

"Tiger by the Tail" (January, 1951)
"Honorable Enemies" (May, 1951)
"The Warriors from Nowhere" (1954)
"The Game of Glory" (1958)
"Hunters of the Sky Cave" (1959)
"A Message in Secret" (1959/'61)
"A Plague of Masters" (December, 1960 - January, 1961)

The first three are noticeably earlier in style although "The Warriors of Nowhere" was moved to later in the fictional chronological sequence.

"The Game of Glory" is more sophisticated, less of a pulp space opera: not humanoid aliens but a human-colonized planet and no swords.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I think HUNTERS OF THE SKY CAVE can be called the most sophisticated of the stories in this list. In fact, given how fascinated PA was by the speculations of John K. Hord on how civilizations rise and fall, certain parts of HUNTERS has a very Hordian look when reread thru the prism of Hord's thought.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

In fact, I think I have a book about the Rhine Institute and the scientific study of possible ESP talents. I simply need to get around to reading it.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Baffling, my second comment shows up but not the third.


Sean M. Brooks said...

I meant to deposit my second comment here in the "Telepathy and Prayer" blog piece. I need to be more alert!
