Thursday 11 July 2013

Memories Of Avalon

It is possible to experience nostalgia within a future history. If we have read Poul Anderson's Technic Civilization History in chronological order of fictitious events, then The Earth Book Of Stormgate and The People Of The Wind have preceded The Day Of Their Return. In Day, Erannath of Stormgate Choth on Avalon reminisces about Avalon and we know what he is talking about:

"'As a youth I wandered the whole of Avalon...hai-ha, storm-dawns over seas and snow peaks! Hunting a spathodont with spears! Wind across the plains, that smelled of sun and eternity!...'" (Captain Flandry, Riverdale, NY, 2010, p. 195)

Later, he became a spacehand and we have also read several stories about spacemen earlier in the History. So, quite unexpectedly, a lot that we have previously read gives meaning to this brief conversation between Erannath and Ivar but it is probably quickly forgotten when their conversations are interrupted by the important local figure, "'The High Commander!'" (p. 196) whom they are waiting to meet.

As I have advised before, read everything written by Poul Anderson at least twice. The second time, before turning the page to learn what happens next, pause to appreciate all the descriptive and background details on the current page.

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