Thursday 12 June 2014


This Ensign Flandry cover shows Flandry with Dragoika, a female Tigery. The previous post was illustrated with a Game Of Empire cover showing Flandry's daughter, Diana, with Dragoika's son, Targovi, the latter drawn with the exact proportions of a man wearing an animal costume.

Targovi's description:

as tall as a man but with disproportionately long and powerful legs;
broad, clawed feet;
a twitching stubby tail;
thick torso;
muscular arms and four-fingered hands;
round head;
flat face;
narrow chin;
a single breathing slit in the nose;
carnivore teeth;
fronded chemosensor tendrils above slanted scarlet eyes;
large mobile ears resembling bat wings;
black-striped orange fur with a white triangle at the throat;
a voice that purrs, hisses, growls or screeches.

On film, the body would be CGI and the voice should not sound human.

Dragoika's breasts are muscular, vascular organs from which infants suck blood. High blood supply makes females more vigorous and usually dominant. When Dragoika learns the fate of her home planet, Flandry learns that she can weep.

In a film, Tigeries would be constantly before us whereas, in a novel, we read their description once and forget most of it.

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