Wednesday 2 July 2014

Families And Choths On Avalon

The Holms went to Avalon with Falkayn and a Holm later married a Falkayn so what had happened in between? David Falkayn, the Founder of the Avalonian colony, went there with his wife Coya and their son Nicholas who was born on Earth and named after David's employer/Coya's grandfather. Nicholas' son, Nat, was born on Avalon.

Later, one Ivar Holm works at Andromeda (Mountain) Rescue Station when the current Wyvan of the Stormgate Choth, injured in a storm, needs to be rescued. Later again, Daniel Holm is a Marchwarden while his son, Christopher, joins Stormgate Choth and marries Tabitha Falkayn, a direct descendant of David and a member of Highsky Choth.

Tabitha is the third generation of her family in Highsky. When her parents were lost at sea, an Ythrian family adopted her and encouraged her to take a wandertime in accordance with Highsky custom so she has been a huntress, trapper, sailor, prospector and gambler in human country. Living entirely among Ythrians in the Oronesian islands, she runs a commercial fishery in partnership with Draun, an Ythrian of the Old Faith.

Emil Dalmady from Altai was employed, then funded as an entrepreneur, by Nicholas van Rijn. Some of his children moved to Avalon with Falkayn and one of them, Judith Lundgren, wrote historical fiction which was published in the periodical, Morgana (named after the Avalonian moon) and later collected in The Earth Book Of Stormgate.

One of the most progressive Avalonian choths is Mistwood, embracing human technology, therefore large and prosperous. Ferune, Wyvan of Mistwood, is succeeded as First Marchwarden of Avalon by Daniel Holm. Another choth is The Tarns and Liaw of that choth is Wyvan of the High Khruath. And that is as much as I can find about families and choths on Avalon.

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