Saturday 14 February 2015


For recent discussions of theology, see:

Axor's Quest
The Ransom Trilogy And The Technic History I, II
Sinful Species
God And Alien...

Three academic disciplines:

(i) Philosophy of Religion, my specialism, studied in a University Philosophy Department like Philosophy of Science, of Politics or of anything else.

(ii) Religious Studies, the study of all religious phenomena from every point of view. ("We teach the two sacred languages: Sanskrit and German.")

(iii) Theology, traditionally the study of Biblical texts for students committed to the Christian faith and preparing for a denominational ministry.

Needless to say, when I say (i) or (ii), people think that I mean (iii). A Professor of Theology that I know (see here), a religious sceptic, has argued that Jesus was a Law-observant Jew and that Mark was written very early and has also written on political uses of Biblical quotations. I did not pursue an academic career but that was obviously the right course for some people.

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