Friday 13 March 2015

Other Reading

Having watched the Swedish film, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, I have got into rereading the novel which is long and volume I of a trilogy. Thus, maybe less time posting on this blog for a while. However, the anthology containing SM Stirling's one other work set in the Angrezi Raj has been ordered and there are still several NESFA collections of Poul Anderson's shorter works to track down.

I have previously discussed how to film scenes from two of Anderson's works - Mirkheim and "The Game of Glory." The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, a British TV serialization of Pride And Prejudice and some other TV dramatizations are sufficient proof that a novel can be accurately adapted from page to screen, despite all appearances to the contrary.

In The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, the story is shortened merely in order to reduce it to the length required for a cinema film. However, I think that any filmed adaptation of a novel should be a serial, whether it is made for the large or the small screen. Authentic dramatizations of Anderson's Time Patrol series and Technic History and of SM Stirling's The Peshawar Lancers (dedicated to Anderson) would be awesome.

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