Sunday 22 March 2015

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A moment that has become very familiar to regular readers of Poul Anderson's works is reached at the end of Chapter XVI of Fire Time (St Albans, Herts, 1977):

"A thought went through him like an electric shock. She sensed it in his body. 'What is the matter?' she asked timidly.
"'Nothing, nothing.' He spoke with his voice alone; his mind was elsewhere. 'I just got a notion...'" (p. 179)

The viewpoint character:

has a practical/personal problem;
has suddenly realized a possible solution;
will not confide this notion to his wife or, by implication, to the reader until he has implemented it.

Having reread to this point, I know what the problem is but do not remember what the solution was. I have been posting about, and am still rereading, Fire Time. However, I previously posted about this novel just over two years ago. Thus, much of the ground has already been covered.

I have also recently mentioned CS Lewis in relation to Poul Anderson. Readers of this blog might like to check out my Science Fiction blog, where I discuss Lewis a few times. See here.

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