Tuesday 20 March 2018

Captain's Dinner: Some Details

Very Jeeves:

for dinner, Flandry wants to wear a peach tunic with white slacks but Chives insists that dark blue with gold sash is more appropriate;

Chives silently serves and leaves.


Kit, unlike Flandry, recognizes both Mendelssonhn's Violin Concerto and  the Liebestod and adds that the latter is background not for dancing but for something else.

The main import of this dinner is the conversation. See Indian Summer.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

HUNTERS OF THE SKY CAVE/WE CLAIM THESE STARS is a favorite of mine. I like to go back from time to time to simply browse thru favorite parts like the opening paragraph of Chapter I or the bit about Admiralty Center in Chapter VI. Because of how beautiful, elegiac, allusive, etc., they are. And Chapter VIII, of course, for the conversation between Flandry and Catherine Kittredge.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And let's not forget about Aycharaych's comments about Terran music in Chapter I of WE CLAIM THESE STARS. It's precisely Anderson's knowledge of, and use of history and culture in such works as this which raises them above the level of simple action/adventure stories. Which makes them worth reading over and over again.

Not that there's anything wrong with action/adventure stories when they are done well. Anderson was fond of such things, after all! He simply added MORE to such tales.
