Wednesday 7 March 2018

The Milky Way An Icefall

Poul Anderson describes a night sky on the human-colonized planet, Aeneas. Both moons are aloft. The lower moon moves visibly and:

"Stars crowded velvet blackness. The Milky Way was an icefall."
-Poul Anderson, The Day Of Their Return IN Anderson, Captain Flandry: Defender Of The Terran Empire (Riverdale, NY, 2010), pp. 74-238 AT 9, p. 148.

In Anderson's works, the Milky Way is often described as seen at night or from space. Each time, I think, the description is different.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Because of all these recent discussions of the Flandry stories I started rereading A CIRCUS OF HELLS on Monday. I'll be trying to watch out for when the stars and the Milky Way are mentioned.

Sean said...

Good stuff.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

A CIRCUS OF HELLS is a very good book! And I started rereading that book because of how fond I am of the opening paragraph of the first chapter of CIRCUS. Another favorite is the first paragraph of Chapter I of WE CLAIM THESE STARS.
