Monday 23 April 2018


Nicholas van Rijn's faster than light interstellar spaceship carries a luxury atmospheric skycruiser stocked for picnics with:

rye bread
sweet butter
Edam cheese
smoked turkey
dill pickles
fruit preserves
plum pudding
sugar-cured ham
brandied peaches
God knows what else

Enough for three people for several months when they are stranded on Diomedes where they cannot eat local food. In an emergency, luxuries become necessities.

See The Food Thread.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I remember that list of exotic dainties Old Nick loved to feast on! And, ironically, by the end of THE MAN WHO COUNTS Old Nick had gotten tired of them and longed for plain, ordinary food. (Smiles)
